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  • 6 Signs your Septic Systems Needs to Be Pumped

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A septic tank should be pumped at least once every 2-3 years. Don't wait until it shows signs of failure, because by then it may be to late to avoid clogging or other expensive repair costs.
Signs The Septic Systems Needs Pumping:

  1. Water is "pooling" above your septic tank.
  2. Sewage odour near septic tank (or drain field).
  3. Slow drains and toilets.
  4. Sewage on the ground over the drain field.
  5. Sewage back up in sinks, bathtubs and toilets.
  6. Lush grass above the drain field.

To protect your drain field, we suggest never driving or parking vehicles over the system, avoid construction over the system and make sure your roof, gutters and foundation drains do not flow into the drain field.